Friday, September 17, 2010

September 17-24, 2010

Explain the role of homeostasis and its mechanisms as these relate to the body as a
whole and predict the consequences of the failure to maintain homeostasis.


  1. Homo means 'of the body' and stasis means 'regulation'....Methods the body uses to regulate the its internal environment, within its normal ranges of: Temperature
    PH (Acid/Alkaline)
    Water levels
    Oxygen levels in the blood

    Consquences can result in unstable internal environment that increases the risk for illness,and other characteristics of aging is death including Heart failure. homeostatic imbalance include diabetes, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, gout, and any disease caused by a toxin present in the bloodstream

  2. The human organism consists of trillions of cells all working together for the maintenance of the entire organism. While cells may perform very different functions, all the cells are quite similar in their metabolic requirements. Maintaining a constant internal environment with all that the cells need to survive (oxygen, glucose, mineral ions, waste removal, and soforth) is necessary for the well-being of individual cells and the well-being of the entire body.

    Negative feedback require a receptor, a control center, and an effector. A receptor is the structure that monitors internal conditions. For instance, the human body has receptors in the blood vessels that monitor the pH of the blood. The blood vessels contain receptors that measure the resistance of blood flow against the vessel walls, thus monitoring blood pressure.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Homeostasis, the body despite large swings in the external environment. Functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and blood glucose levels

    are maintained within an normal values around a set point despite constantly changing external conditions. For instance, when the external temperature drops, the body's homeostatic mechanisms make changes that result in the generation of body heat, thereby maintaining the internal temperature at constant levels.

  5. the role of homeostasis is to maintain internal stability within the cell and the body. if the body was to become unstable then that would result in illnesses such as diabetes,dehydration,etc and those illnesses could result in death

  6. Homeostasis is the property of a system, either open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition.
    Homeo means 'of the body' and stasis means 'regulation'

    Basically it's the methods the body uses to regulate the its internal environment, within its normal ranges of:


    *PH (Acid/Alkaline)

    *Water levels

    *Oxygen levels in the blood
    Functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and blood glucose levels are maintained within a range of normal values around a set point despite constantly changing external conditions. For instance, when the external temperature drops, the body's homeostatic mechanisms make adjustments that result in the generation of body heat, thereby maintaining the internal temperature at constant levels.The change or deviation in the controlled value initiates responses that bring the function of the organ or structure back to within the normal range.Negative feedback loops have been compared to a thermostatically controlled temperature in a house, where the internal temperature is monitored by a temperature-sensitive gauge in the thermostat.For instance, the human body has receptors in the blood vessels that monitor the pH of the blood. The blood vessels contain receptors that measure the resistance of blood flow against the vessel walls, thus monitoring blood pressure.These receptors are connected to a control center that integrates the information fed to it by the receptors. In most homeostatic mechanisms, the control center is the brain.

    Homeostasis — Cells — Integumentary — Nervous — Senses — Muscular — Blood — Cardiovascular — Immune — Urinary — Respiratory — Gastrointestinal — Nutrition — Endocrine — Reproduction (male) — Reproduction (female) — Pregnancy — Genetics — Development — Answers

  7. Homeostasis is the body that the despite large swings in the external environment. The functions is blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and blood glucose levels.

    The body's homeostatically cultivated systems are maintained by negative feedback mechanisms, sometimes called negative feedback loops. In negative feedback, any change or deviation from the normal range of function is opposed, or resisted. The change or deviation in the controlled value initiates responses that bring the function of the organ or structure back to within the normal range.

  8. homeostasis maintains internal stability in the body results in enable will be illness

  9. Homeostasis is the property of either an open system or a closed system, especially a living organism, that regulates its internal environment so as to maintain a stable, constant condition.

  10. The role of homeostatis is to regulate its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition. An advantage of homeostatic regulation is that it allows an organism to function effectively in a broad range of environmental conditions. For example, ectotherms tend to become sluggish at low temperatures, whereas a co-located endotherm may be fully active. That thermal stability comes at a price since an automatic regulation system requires additional energy. One reason snakes may eat only once a week is that they use much less energy to maintain homeostasis.

    Most homeostatic regulation is controlled by the release of hormones into the bloodstream. However, other regulatory processes rely on simple diffusion to maintain a balance.

  11. The role of homeostatis is to regulate its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition.consequences can result in internal environment that increases the risk for illness,and other characteristics of ageing is death.

  12. The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.

  13. Role of Homeostasis
    Homeostasis means equilibrium. For the body to function properly, a constant equilibrium is needed when there is environmental changes. Homeostatic regulation allows an organism to function effectively in a broad range of environmental conditions.
    If homeostasis tends to fail the body may result in diseases or death. An example is diabetes where the blood sugar is not in constant.

  14. Homeostasis is the property of a system, either open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition.If homeostasis didn't play its role the body wouldn't function correctly and shut down...

  15. Homeostatis is the property of system, either open or closed. It regulates its internal environment and tend to maintain A STABLE CONSTANT CONDITION.if the body was to become unstable then that would result in illnesses such as diabetes,dehydration,etc and those illnesses could result in death.

  16. Homeostasis - The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. Negative feedback mechanisms reverse the direction of the change. Without these mechanisms, facets of a body that need to be kept operating in a steady state, such as temperature, salinity, acidity, hormone levels, concentration of gases such as carbon dioxide, and the concentrations of nutrients, would become so unbalanced as to threaten the life of the organism

  17. Homeostasis - The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes

  18. Homeostasis is the maintenance of equilibrium, or constant conditions, in a biological system by means of automatic mechanisms that counteract influences tending toward disequilibrium.

  19. Skin functions in homeostasis include protection, regulation of body temperature, sensory reception, water balance, synthesis of vitamins and hormones, and absorption of materials. The skin's primary functions are to serve as a barrier to the entry of microbes and viruses, and to prevent water and extracellular fluid loss. A cell membrane does not actually maintain homeostasis by itself. The term homeostasis refers to maintaining a relatively stable internal environment inside of a multi-cell organism. Since the internal environment is the interstitial fluid that is around each and every cell, then homeostasis has more to do with what is outside of a cell than what is inside of it.

  20. (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes

    Fall in blood pressure

    Increase in

    blood pressure


    Pressure sensors

    Heart and blood


  21. The role of homeostasis is the ability or tendency of an organism and or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.

    The bodys homeostatically cultivated systems are maintained by negative feedback mechanisms, sometimes called negative feedback loops.

  22. Homeo means 'of the body' and stasis means 'regulation'
    Basically it's the methods the body uses to regulate the its internal environment, within its normal ranges of Temperature,PH Acid/Alkaline),Water levels,and Oxygen levels in the blood.

    are maintained within an normal values around a set point despite constantly changing external conditions. For instance, when the external temperature drops, the body's homeostatic mechanisms make changes that result in the generation of body heat, thereby maintaining the internal temperature at constant levels.

  23. Homeostasis, the body despite large swings in the external environment. Functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and blood glucose levels

    are maintained within an normal values around a set point despite constantly changing external conditions. For instance, when the external temperature drops, the body's homeostatic mechanisms make changes that result in the generation of body heat, thereby maintaining the internal temperature at constant levels.

  24. Homeo means 'of the body' and stasis means 'regulation'

    Basically it's the methods the body uses to regulate the its internal environment, within its normal ranges of:


    PH (Acid/Alkaline)

    Water levels

    Oxygen levels in the blood

  25. Homeostasis is the property of a system, either open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition.Homeostasis, the body despite large swings in the external environment. Functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and blood glucose levels

  26. Homeostasis is the body that the despite large swings in the external environment. The
    the body's homeostatically cultivated systems are maintained by negative feedback mechanisms, sometimes called negative feedback loops.functions is blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and blood glucose levels.In negative feedback, any change or deviatioThe change or deviation in the controlled value initiates responses that bring the function of the organ or structure back to within the normal range.
    n from the normal range of function is opposed, or resisted.

  27. Homeostasis means equilibrium. For the body to function properly a constant equilibrium is needed when there is environmental changes homeostatic regulation allows an organism to function effectively in a broad range of environmental conditions. If there is a failure with homeostasis it will most likely cause diseases such as diabetes, where the blood sugar is not at a constant.

  28. explain the role of Homeostasis.?
    Homeostasis, in biological terms means that the body is maintaining internal equilibrium to adjust itself internally and physiologically, in response to the external environmental changes. The main function of homeostasis is to keep all the processes of the body stable even if there are variations in the weather and environment outside. To maintain homeostasis means that the body is responding internally to the changes outside by maintaining the proper functioning of our internal organs. Homeostasis is the reason why, human beings can function efficiently in cold as well as hot environments. Animals, humans, other mammals and birds, who can maintain the temperature of the internal environment even though there may be large changes in the environmental temperature are called homeotherms. Regulation of blood pressure, temperature, blood sugar levels, hormone levels, and enzyme levels are all a part of homeostatic processes in the human body. Problems with any of these processes can lead to serious health hazards.

  29. Homeostasis is the maintenance of equilibrium, or constant conditions, in a biological system by means of automatic mechanisms that counteract influences tending toward disequilibrium. The development of the concept, which is one of the most fund mental in modern biology, began in the 19th century when the French physiologist Claude BERNARD noted the constancy of chemical composition and physical properties of blood and other body fluids. He claimed that this "fixity of the milieu interieur" was essential to the life of higher organisms. The term homeostasis was coined by the 20th-century American physiologist Walter B. Cannon, who refined and extended the concept of self-regulating mechanisms in living systems.

    Homeostatic mechanisms operate at all levels of organization in living systems, including the molecular, cellular, organismic, and even populational levels. In complex organisms, such as humans, it involves constant monitoring and regulating of numerous factors, including the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide, nutrients, hormones, and organic and inorganic substances. The concentrations of these substances in body fluid remain unchanged, within limits, despite changes in the external environment.

  30. Homeostasis means “same state” and it refers to the process of keeping the internal body environment in a steady state, when the external environment is changed. Homeostatic mechanisms use negative feedback to maintain a constant value which means that whenever a change occurs in a system, it causes a corrective mechanism to start, which reverses the original change and brings the system back towards the set point. It also means that the bigger the change the bigger the corrective mechanism.

    As a failure to maintain Homeostasis it will result in sickness and eventually death.

  31. Human homeostasis refers to the body's ability to physiologically regulate its inner environment to ensure its stability in response to fluctuations in the outside environment and the weather. An inability to maintain homeostasis may lead to death or a disease, a condition known as homeostatic imbalance.The liver, the kidneys, and the brain help maintain homeostasis. BY:IMANI JACKSON

  32. Homeostasis is the maintenance of equilibrium, or constant conditions, in a biological system by means of automatic mechanisms that counteract influences tending toward disequilibrium. For the body to function properly a constant equilibrium is needed when there is environmental changes homeostatic regulation allows an organism to function effectively in a broad range of environmental conditions. If homeostasis fails it may causes death,or a serious disease that has no treatment.

  33. the role of homeostasis is to maintain internal stability within the cell and the body. if homeostasis becomes unstable then that would result in illnesses like diabetes, and dehydration. which could cause death.
