Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov. 23-Nov. 30. Keeping your Muscular System Healthy.

Answer the following questions using your own words. Give some examples for full credit.

What is the muscular system? Explain the importance of a nerve supply and exercise in keeping your muscles healthy.
Describe the events of muscle cell contraction.


  1. The muscular system is a system that allows us to move. The impotance of a nerve supply is that it supplies the muscles to different parts of the body. The importance of exercising is to keep your muscles healthy. Ypu have to keep them healthy because they can break and tear. So exercising can help make your muscle stronger and keep them from breaking easily. The events of muscle cell contraction are; A motor neuron in the ventral horn of the spinal cord is activated, an action potential passes outward in a ventral root of the spinal cord, the axon branches to supply a number of muscle fibers called a motor unit,and then the action potential is conveyed to a motor end plate on each muscle fiber.

  2. The muscular system is the system of a species that allows it to move. Exercise is critical for strong muscles and bones. Muscle strength declines as people age, but studies report that when people exercise they are stronger and leaner than others in their age group. Nerves are important and essential in muscle contraction. A nerve provides a pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons. The impulses are signals sent from the brain to the muscle for movement.


  3. The muscular system is the body's network of tissues that controls movement both of the body and within it. Walking, running, jumping: all these actions propelling the body through space are possible only because of the contraction (shortening) and relaxation of muscles. These major movements, however, are not the only ones directed by muscular activity. Muscles make it possible to stand, sit, speak, and blink. Even more, were it not for muscles, blood would not rush through blood vessels, air would not fill lungs, and food would not move through the digestive system. In short, muscles are the machines of the body, allowing it to work.

    All of the functions of muscles are performed through contraction, which is shortening of the muscles. Muscles can be viewed as the machines of the human body, for they are responsible for all types of movement. There are three different types of muscle tissue. These are cardiac which is found only in the heart, smooth which is found in hollow organs, and skeletal muscles, which are the muscles that we think of when we discuss the muscular system. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones or the skin in the face to allow our bodies to move. Muscles function in response to stimuli produced by the nervous system. These nervous signals cause the filaments, actin and myosin, of muscle tissue to slide past each other, causing an individual muscle to contract.

  4. The muscaular system allows us to perform our daily activities, like move, eat, lift and also even breathe. A nerve supply is important in that without it your muscle wouldnt get an impulse to move. Excersise keeps the muscles strong and healthy so they wont atrophy. It also helps the heart and other problems.

  5. The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move. The muscular system in vertebrates is controlled through the nervous system.Its good to exercise to keep muscles healthy. Healthy muscles helps the body in many ways.If the bones isnt healthy they will be at risk of decreasing in mass and tearing.All of the functions of muscles are performed through contraction, which is shortening of the muscles. Muscles can be viewed as the machines of the human body, for they are responsible for all types of movement. There are three different types of muscle tissue. These are cardiac which is found only in the heart, smooth which is found in hollow organs, and skeletal muscles, which are the muscles that we think of when we discuss the muscular system. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones or the skin in the face to allow our bodies to move. Muscles function in response to stimuli produced by the nervous system. These nervous signals cause the filaments, actin and myosin, of muscle tissue to slide past each other, causing an individual muscle to contract.

  6. The muscular system is composed of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue and functions in movement of the body or of materials through the body, maintenance of posture, and heat production.body likes to conserve resources. If some part is not used, the body sends it less nourishment and does not clean out the waste products. In effect, reducing the circulation of blood in that area. Contractions begin with a signal called an action potential along a motor neuron that crosses the synaptic gap at the neuromuscluar junction and then gets propogated along the sarcoplasmic reticulum -Elisha Watson

  7. Is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move. The muscular system in vertebrates is controlled through the nervous system, although some muscles (such as the cardiac muscle) can be completely autonomous. Muscles There are three distinct types of muscles: skeletal muscles, cardiac or heart muscles, and smooth (non-striated) muscles.The muscle will atrophy.
    Most all muscle contractions begin with a signal called an action potential along a motor neuron that crosses the synaptic gap at the neuromuscluar junction and then gets propogated along the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the T-tubules inside of a muscle cell.

  8. The Muscular system is One of the most amazing system of the human body. The incredible range of movement and mobility it has. This day to day activity is accomplished by our muscles through the extraordinary and facinating ability of converting chemical energy, energy stored in nutrients, into mechanical energy, energy of movement. Muscles are often viewd as the "machines" of the body. They help move food from one organ to another, and carry out our physical movement. There are three diffrent kinds of muscles in our body: cardiac, smooth, skeletal. Nerve supply is very important because without nerve supply then our muscle wouldn't get an impulse so we could move.

    Strong bones are absolutely integral to your success as an athlete. Your skeletal structure provides the strength and rigidity that allows you to train and compete in your sport. Ask any athlete that has suffered a stress fracture: When the health and integrity of your bones is compromised, so too is your ability to perform athletically.

  9. •The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move. The muscular system in vertebrates is controlled through the nervous system, although some muscles such as the cardiac muscle can be completely autonomous.The function of muscles,motion ,heat production,posture and body support.The muscles which are attached to the skeletal frame cause your body to move..derico byrd

  10. The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move.The nerve supply is important because without it your muscles wouldnt react to anything and wouldnt have any feeling.Exercising will build your muscles up to be strong.

  11. What is the muscular system?
    -The muscular system provides movement for the body. The muscular system consist of three different types of muscle tissues: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle.

    The cardiac muscle is the tissue that makes up the wall of the heart called the mydocardium. Also like the skeletal muscles, the cardiac muscle is striated and contracts through the sliding filament method. However it is different from other types of muscles because it forms branching fibers. Unlike the skeletal muscles, the cardiac muscle is attached together instead of been attach to a bone.

    The skeletal muscle makes up about 40 % of an adults body weight. It has stripe-like markings, or striations. The skeletal muscles is composed of long muscle fibers. Each of these muscles fiber is a cell which contains several nuclei. The nervous system controls the contraction of the muscle. Many of the skeletal muscle contractions are automatic. However we still can control the action of the skeletal muscle. And it is because of this reason that the skeletal muscle is also called voluntary muscle.

    Much of our internal organs is made up of smooth muscles. They are found in the urinary bladder, gallbladder, arteries, and veins. Also the digestive tract is made up of smooth muscle as well. The smooth muscles are controlled by the nervous system and hormones. We cannot consciously control the smooth muscle that is why they are often called involuntary muscles.

  12. What is the muscular system?
    -The muscular system provides movement for the body
    First we know that without muscular system we cant move, even run, jump etc...
    Its so important to keep doing exercise every day Like me i played soccer since i was 9 years old, thats why nobody cant stop me of run or play.Also when you get old you stop doing because you have stuff to do or you are to lazy. but always we have to remember to keep doing it exercise at lease walk in your own street....

    The muscular system is an extensive of muscle and nervous tissue which is spread throughout the body. It is controlled by the central nervous system, which sends out an assortment of signals to keep the body running smoothly.

    The nerve supply is important because if we sdont have that we cant feel nothing like when somebody hits you.

    Also there are 3 different types of muscle tissue.These are Cardiac which is found only in the heart, Smooth which is found in hollow organs, and Skeletal muscles, which are the muscles that we think of when we discuss the muscular system. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones or the skin in the face to allow our bodies to move. Muscles function in response to stimuli produced by the nervous system. These nervous signals cause the filaments, actin and myosin, of muscle tissue to slide past each other, causing an individual muscle to contract.julio perez

  13. The muscular system is an extensive network of muscle and nervous tissue which is spread throughtout the body. There are over 650 muscles. the are three muscle tissues they are cardiac,smooth and skeletal. three types of muscles are voluntary,involuntary, and cardiac. The job of the muscular system is to provide movement for the body. Muscle fiber generates tension through the action of actin and myosin cross bridge cycling. Still under tension, the muscle may lenghten,shorten or remain the same. Exercising is good because the muscles need exercise and more movement. The nerve supply provides the body to move through its cell.

  14. the muscular system helps your body move. The muscular system in vertebrates is controlled through the nervous system,although some muscles can be completely autonomous.
    The sequence of events leading to contraction is initiated somewhere in the central nervous system, either as voluntary activity from the brain or as reflex activity from the spinal cord.
    A motor neuron in the ventral horn of the spinal cord is activated, and an action potential passes outward in a ventral root of the spinal cord.

    The axon branches to supply a number of muscle fibers called a motor unit, and the action potential is conveyed to a motor end plate on each muscle fiber.

    At the motor end plate, the action potential causes the release of packets or quanta of acetylcholine into the synaptic clefts on the surface of the muscle fiber.

    Acetylcholine causes the electrical resting potential under the motor end plate to change, and this then initiates an action potential which passes in both directions along the surface of the muscle fiber.

  15. The muscular system is the system of a species that allows it to move. Muscle strength declines as people age, but studies report that when people exercise they are stronger and leaner than others in their age group. Exercise is critical for strong muscles and bones. Nerves are important and essential in muscle contraction. A nerve provides a pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons. The impulses are signals sent from the brain to the muscle for movement.

  16. what is the muscular system? the muscular system is a system of speices that allow it to move. in vertabrates is controlled through the nervous the nervous system. you should keep the nervous system healhy so that it may allow it to provide supply to move throughout the body.Contractions start with something called an action potential along a motor neuron that crosses over the synaptic gap at the neuromuscluar junction and later gets propogated on the sarcoplasmic reticulum

  17. The muscular system is the body's network of tissues that controls movement both of the body and within it. The muscular system is composed of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue and functions in movement of the body or of materials through the body, maintenance of posture, and heat production.body likes to conserve resources. The function of muscles,motion ,heat production,posture and body support.The muscles which are attached to the skeletal frame cause your body to move.

  18. The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move. The muscular system in vertebrates is controlled through the nervous system... the nerve supply is important because you need it for everything.. without the nerve you couldnt really do anything. you need to keep your muscles healthy because if you dont use them and be lazy or give them the rigt vitamins they need, they will soon start to get weak.. for example, if a person never exercise or work thier muscles or eat the right foods, their muscles will be so weak that when they try to do something their not use to doing, it would be very hard.

  19. The muscular system is the biological system of humans that produces movement. The muscular system, in vertebrates, is controlled through the nervous system, although some muscles, like cardiac muscle, can be completely autonomous. Muscle is contractile tissue and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells. Its function is to produce force and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within internal organs. Much of muscle contraction occurs without conscious thought and is necessary for survival, like the contraction of the heart or peristalsis, which pushes food through the digestive system. Voluntary muscle contraction is used to move the body and can be finely controlled, such as movements of the finger or gross movements that of the biceps and triceps.composed of muscle cells (sometimes known as "muscle fibers"). Within the cells are myofibrils; myofibrils contain sarcomeres which are composed of actin and myosin. Individual muscle cells are lined with endomysium. Muscle cells are bound together by perimysium into bundles called fascicles. These bundles are then grouped together to form muscle, and is lined by epimysium. Muscle spindles are distributed throughout the muscles, and provide sensory feedback information to the central nervous system. Skeletal muscle, which involves muscles from the skeletal tissue, is arranged in discrete groups. An example is the biceps brachii. It is connected by tendons to processes of the skeleton. In contrast, smooth muscle occurs at various scales in almost every organ, from the skin to the blood vessels and digestive tract in which it controls the caliber of a lumen and peristalsis, respectively
    by lacreasha matthews

  20. The muscular system is an extensive network of muscle and nervous tissue which is spread throughout the body.
    The nerve provides a pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons. The impulses are signals sent from the brain to the muscle for moment.
    Exercise will ensure muscle relaxation, facilitate normal muscle resting length, and improve circulation to structures and removal of unwanted waste products lactic acid.

  21. The muscular system is the system of a species that allows it to move. Muscle strength declines as people age, but studies report that when people exercise they are stronger and leaner than others in their age group. Exercise is critical for strong muscles and bones. Nerves are important and essential in muscle contraction. A nerve provides a pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons. The impulses are signals sent from the brain to the muscle for movement.

  22. Qunesha:the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move,Blood supply importance is important to understand the value and purpose of targeting or forcing blood to the muscles you are training. Many of the principles we teach have the sole purpose of forcing blood into your muscles. When you use proper lifting technique, you will notice blood racing to the specific muscle you are training. And this is exactly what you want to happen.

  23. The muscular system is a system that allows us to move. The impotance of a nerve supply is that it supplies the muscles to different parts of the body.Exercise is critical for strong muscles and bones. Muscle strength declines as people age, but studies report that when people exercise they are stronger and leaner than others in their age group. Muscle is contractile tissue and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells. Its function is to produce force and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within internal organs. Much of muscle contraction occurs without conscious thought and is necessary for survival, like the contraction of the heart or peristalsis, which pushes food through the digestive system. Exercise will ensure muscle relaxation, facilitate normal muscle resting length, and improve circulation to structures and removal of unwanted waste products lactic acid.

  24. The muscular system is an extensive network of muscle and nervous tissue which is spread throughout the body. It is controlled by the central nervous system, which sends out an assortment of signals to keep the body running smoothly. The nerve supply is important to the muscles because it send signals from the brain to tell them when they need to move and how they need to move and what kind of strength is needed for the action..for example you might not need to use alot of muscle in picking up a piece of paper but you might need alot of muscle moving a sofa.....The events of Muscle cell contraction
    begin with a signal called an action potential along a motor neuron that crosses the synaptic gap at the neuromuscluar junction and then gets propogated along the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the T-tubules inside of a muscle cell. This releases calcium so it can attach to the actin by opening the troponin-tropomyosin attachment sites for the myosin heads. With the help of ATP, the myosin heads form cross-bridges to the actin myofilaments and pull the Z-lines closer together which makes the sarcomeres shorter, thereby contracting the muscle cells.

  25. The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move. The muscular system in vertebrates is controlled through the nervous system, although some muscles (such as the cardiac muscle) can be completely autonomous.
    you need your nerve supplies to send signals to your muscles to help them have movements.Most all muscle contractions begin with a signal called an action potential along a motor neuron that crosses the synaptic gap at the neuromuscluar junction and then gets propogated along the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the T-tubules inside of a muscle cell. This releases calcium so it can attach to the actin by opening the troponin-tropomyosin attachment sites for the myosin heads. With the help of ATP, the myosin heads form cross-bridges to the actin myofilaments and pull the Z-lines closer together which makes the sarcomeres shorter, thereby contracting the muscle cells.

  26. The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move. it is The bodily system that is composed of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue and functions in movement of the body or of materials through the body, maintenance of posture, and heat production.The importance of a nerve supply is that it supplies the muscles to different parts of the body.Exercise is critical for strong muscles and bones.

  27. What is the muscular system? Explain the importance of a nerve supply and exercise in keeping your muscles healthy.
    Describe the events of muscle cell contraction

    The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move.the importance of the muscular system is movement
    Without the muscular system, we would be unable to move.
    The skeletal muscles work together with the body's central nervous system to allow the body to move

    Read more: Importance of the Muscular System | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5397868_importance-muscular-system.html#ixzz18IUSu1CW

    Read more: Importance of the Muscular System | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5397868_importance-muscular-system.html#ixzz18IUICzU9

  28. The muscular system is a system that helps with movement and consists of all skeletal muscles that can be conrolled voluntarily.

    Skeletal muscles (700):

    provide skeletal movement;
    control entrances and exits of digestive tract;
    produce heat;
    support skeletal position;
    protect soft tissues.
    Almost all skeletal muscles either originate or insert on the skeleton producing various forms of movement: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, protraction, retraction, elevation, depression, rotation, circumduction, pronation, supination, inversion, or eversion.
    Axial muscles support and position axial skeleton.

    Appendicular muscles support, move, and brace limbs.

    Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart and consists of specialized cells that establish a regular rate of contraction independent from nervous system influence.

    Smooth muscle acts either independently or in response to neural activity. Smooth muscle is found within almost every organ forming sheets, bundles, or sheaths around other tissues regulating movement of that particular organ:

    walls of blood vessels
    hollow organs such as urinary bladder
    layers around respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and reproductive tracts
